
Tsiknopempti is part of the traditional celebrations of Apókries, the Greek Carnival season. The celebration, normally translated as Smelly Thursday, Charred Thursday, or Smoky Thursday, centers on the consumption of large amounts of grilled and roasted meats.


Apokries in Greece is made up of three themed weeks of celebration. These weeks are, in order: Prophoní, Kreatiní, and Tiriní. Tsiknopempti is the Thursday of Kreatiní and represents a highlight in a weeklong celebration of meat consumption. the festivities on Tsiknopempti revolve around large outdoor parties where massive amounts of meat are grilled or roasted.
Often Tsiknopempti like celebrations will occur again, generally on a smaller scale, the following Sunday which marks the final day meat can be eaten before the beginning of the Great Lent, the strict fasting season that leads up to Easter. In the Greek Orthodox tradition, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays is important, therefore Thursday is the best day for Tsiknopempti. Tsiknopempti is celebrated 11 days before Clean Monday. After Tsiknopempti, the next major celebration of Apokries is Tirofagos during the week of Tiriní which focuses on the consumption of cheese, eggs, and dairy.
In Lebanon, a similar tradition exists and is known as Khamis el sakara.
Similar celebrations known as Fat Thursday are held in many other countries.


The Greek word Τσικνοπέμπτη is made up of the words and .