Truncated great dodecahedron

In geometry, the truncated great dodecahedron is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron, indexed as U37. It has 24 faces, 90 edges, and 60 vertices. It is given a Schläfli symbol t{5,}.

Related polyhedra

It shares its vertex arrangement with three other uniform polyhedra: the nonconvex great rhombicosidodecahedron, the great dodecicosidodecahedron, and the great rhombidodecahedron; and with the uniform compounds of 6 or 12 pentagonal prisms.

Nonconvex great rhombicosidodecahedron

Great dodecicosidodecahedron

Great rhombidodecahedron

Truncated great dodecahedron

Compound of six pentagonal prisms

Compound of twelve pentagonal prisms

This polyhedron is the truncation of the great dodecahedron:
The truncated small stellated dodecahedron looks like a dodecahedron on the surface, but it has 24 faces, 12 pentagons from the truncated vertices and 12 overlapping as.
NameSmall stellated dodecahedronTruncated small stellated dodecahedronDodecadodecahedronTruncated

Small stellapentakis dodecahedron

The small stellapentakis dodecahedron is a nonconvex isohedral polyhedron. It is the dual of the truncated great dodecahedron. It has 60 intersecting triangular faces.