Truck Driver (1994 film)

Truck Driver is 1994 Romance/Drama Nepalese movie, written by Brazesh Khanal is directed by Rajkumar Sharma. This movie features Shiv Shrestha, Karishma Manandhar, Shree Krishna Shrestha, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya in the lead role. This film became one of the highest-grossing films of all time in Nepal. This movie also features the Maha jodi who were popular comedians at that time. The songs of this film became popular in Nepal.


A truck driver falls in love with the daughter of a restaurant worker in highway. As the small hotel runs well because of her youth and beauty, the cruel father does not want his daughter to marry and go away. One of his crooked friends convinces him to get rid of the truck driver. The friend compromises the brake linings of the Truck which falls down several hundred feet on the narrow windy and hilly highway resulting to the driver's death. The girl tries to commit suicide. However, she is saved by a young owner of a fuel station across from the hotel. He has been secretly in love with her over the years. He offers to marry her, give his name to the child to be born. They move to a big city, Kathmandu and raise the girl child.
The second chapter of their life after the daughter is born is a complete turnaround with unexpected twists in the plot.
Truck Driver is one of the biggest hits of Nepali movie history.
