Tropical cyclones in 2004

During 2004, tropical cyclones formed within seven different tropical cyclone basins, located within various parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. During the year, a total of 130 systems formed with 81 of these developing further and were named by the responsible warning centre. The strongest tropical cyclone of the year was Cyclone Gafilo, which was estimated to have a minimum barometric pressure of.
The most active basin in the year was the Western Pacific, which documented 29 named systems, while the North Atlantic, despite only amounting to 15 named systems, was its basin's hyperactive season since 1996. Conversely, both the Eastern Pacific hurricane and North Indian Ocean cyclone seasons experienced the least number of cyclones reaching tropical storm intensity in recorded history, numbering 12 and 4, respectively. Activity across the southern hemisphere's three basins—South-West Indian, Australian, and South Pacific—was spread evenly, with each region recording seven named storms apiece.
The costliest tropical cyclone was Hurricane Ivan which struck Caribbean and United States in September causing a tornado outbreak,with US$26.1 billion in damage. The deadliest tropical cyclone of the year was Hurricane Jeanne who killed for at least 3,006 deaths in Haiti.

Global atmospheric and hydrological conditions

North Atlantic Ocean

It was an above average season in which 16 tropical cyclones formed. All but one tropical depression attained tropical storm status, and nine of these became hurricanes. Six hurricanes further intensified into major hurricanes. Due to a Modoki El Niño – a rare type of El Niño in which unfavorable conditions are produced over the eastern Pacific instead of the Atlantic basin due to warmer sea surface temperatures farther west along the equatorial Pacific - activity was above average.

Eastern Pacific Ocean


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from:25/12/2003 till:08/01/2004 color:SPAC text:"Heta"
from:27/12/2003 till:04/01/2004 color:SWIO text:"Darius"
from:01/01/2004 till:06/01/2004 color:AUSR text:"Ken"
from:10/01/2004 till:17/01/2004 color:AUSR text:"Monsoon Depression"
from:22/01/2004 till:24/01/2004 color:SWIO text:"05R"
from:24/01/2004 till:04/02/2004 color:SWIO text:"Elita"
from:26/01/2004 till:06/02/2004 color:SWIO text:"Frank"
from:28/01/2004 till:28/01/2004 color:SWIO text:"08R"
from:28/01/2004 till:01/02/2004 color:AUSR text:"Linda"
from:10/02/2004 till:15/02/2004 color:AUSR text:"Fritz"
from:11/02/2004 till:16/02/2004 color:WPAC text:"Ambo"
from:21/02/2004 till:02/03/2004 color:SPAC text:"Ivy"
from:25/02/2004 till:03/03/2004 color:AUSR text:"Monty"
from:27/02/2004 till:04/03/2004 color:AUSR text:"Evan"
from:01/03/2004 till:15/03/2004 color:SWIO text:"Gafilo"
from:02/03/2004 till:05/03/2004 color:AUSR text:"Subtropical Storm"
from:08/03/2004 till:10/03/2004 color:AUSR
from:10/03/2004 till:16/03/2004 color:SWIO text:"Nicky-Helma"
from:12/03/2004 till:28/03/2004 color:AUSR text:"Fay"
from:15/03/2004 till:28/03/2004 color:SWIO text:"11R"
from:18/03/2004 till:24/03/2004 color:WPAC text:"Butchoy"
from:20/03/2004 till:23/03/2004 color:AUSR text:"Grace"
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from:21/03/2004 till:27/03/2004 color:AUSR
from:27/03/2004 till:29/03/2004 color:SWIO text:"Oscar-Itseng"
from:24/03/2004 till:28/03/2004 color:SATL text:"Catarina"
from:28/03/2004 till:01/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"08F"
from:31/03/2004 till:01/04/2004 color:SWIO text:"13R"
from:01/04/2004 till:03/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"09F"
from:04/04/2004 till:15/04/2004 color:WPAC text:"Sudal"
from:04/04/2004 till:09/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"10F"
from:07/04/2004 till:07/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"11F"
from:07/04/2004 till:13/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"12F"
from:12/04/2004 till:13/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"13F"
from:18/04/2004 till:19/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"14F"
from:21/04/2004 till:24/04/2004 color:SPAC text:"15F"
from:26/04/2004 till:27/04/2004 color:SWIO text:"14R"
from:05/05/2004 till:10/05/2004 color:NIO text:"ARB 01"
from:05/05/2004 till:17/05/2004 color:SWIO text:"Juba"
from:13/05/2004 till:21/05/2004 color:WPAC text:"Nida"
from:14/05/2004 till:20/05/2004 color:WPAC text:"05W"
from:16/05/2004 till:19/05/2004 color:NIO text:"BOB 01"
from:16/05/2004 till:22/05/2004 color:WPAC text:"Omais"
from:19/05/2004 till:24/05/2004 color:SWIO text:"16R"
from:22/05/2004 till:24/05/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Agatha"
from:04/06/2004 till:11/06/2004 color:WPAC text:"Conson"
from:05/06/2004 till:15/06/2004 color:WPAC text:"Chanthu"
from:10/06/2004 till:13/06/2004 color:NIO text:"ARB 02"
from:11/06/2004 till:14/06/2004 color:NIO text:"BOB 02"
from:11/06/2004 till:21/06/2004 color:WPAC text:"Dianmu"
from:21/06/2004 till:04/07/2004 color:WPAC text:"Mindulle"
from:24/06/2004 till:04/07/2004 color:WPAC text:"Tingting"
from:02/07/2004 till:04/07/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Two-E"
from:05/07/2004 till:06/07/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"One-C"
from:11/07/2004 till:15/07/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Blas"
from:12/07/2004 till:16/07/2004 color:WPAC text:"Kompasu"
from:19/07/2004 till:25/07/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Celia"
from:24/07/2004 till:03/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Namtheun"
from:26/07/2004 till:01/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Darby"
from:27/07/2004 till:27/07/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:31/07/2004 till:06/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Alex"
from:01/08/2004 till:02/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Six-E"
from:03/08/2004 till:13/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Bonnie"
from:02/08/2004 till:06/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Malou"
from:02/08/2004 till:09/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Meranti"
from:06/08/2004 till:15/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Rananim"
from:06/08/2004 till:07/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:08/08/2004 till:08/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:09/08/2004 till:13/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Malakas"
from:09/08/2004 till:14/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Charley"
from:13/08/2004 till:21/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Danielle"
from:13/08/2004 till:15/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Earl"
from:14/08/2004 till:20/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Megi"
from:17/08/2004 till:31/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Chaba"
from:18/08/2004 till:31/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"Aere"
from:19/08/2004 till:24/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Estelle"
from:23/08/2004 till:26/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Frank"
from:23/08/2004 till:26/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Nine-E"
from:24/08/2004 till:07/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Frances"
from:25/08/2004 till:31/08/2004 color:WPAC text:"21W"
from:26/08/2004 till:30/08/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Georgette"
from:26/08/2004 till:08/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"Songda"
from:27/08/2004 till:01/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Gaston"
from:27/08/2004 till:31/08/2004 color:NATL text:"Hermine"
from:30/08/2004 till:05/09/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Howard"
from:30/08/2004 till:01/09/2004 color:SWIO
from:01/09/2004 till:05/09/2004 color:AUSR text:"Phoebe"
from:02/09/2004 till:24/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Ivan"
from:03/09/2004 till:09/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"Sarika"
from:07/09/2004 till:09/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Ten"
from:08/09/2004 till:11/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:08/09/2004 till:16/09/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Isis"
from:10/09/2004 till:19/09/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Javier"
from:10/09/2004 till:13/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"Haima"
from:12/09/2004 till:12/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:12/09/2004 till:15/09/2004 color:NIO text:"BOB 03"
from:13/09/2004 till:28/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Jeanne"
from:15/09/2004 till:20/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"Pablo"
from:15/09/2004 till:16/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:16/09/2004 till:24/09/2004 color:NATL text:"Karl"
from:19/09/2004 till:03/10/2004 color:NATL text:"Lisa"
from:19/09/2004 till:29/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"Meari"
from:20/09/2004 till:20/09/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:30/09/2004 till:10/10/2004 color:NIO text:"Onil"
from:02/10/2004 till:08/10/2004 color:NIO text:"BOB 04/05"
from:03/10/2004 till:10/10/2004 color:WPAC text:"Ma-on"
from:04/10/2004 till:06/10/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Kay"
from:08/10/2004 till:10/10/2004 color:NATL text:"Matthew"
from:09/10/2004 till:13/10/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:10/10/2004 till:11/10/2004 color:NATL text:"Nicole"
from:10/10/2004 till:20/10/2004 color:WPAC text:"Tokage"
from:11/10/2004 till:13/10/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Lester"
from:14/10/2004 till:26/10/2004 color:WPAC text:"Nock-ten"
from:25/10/2004 till:29/10/2004 color:SWIO text:"02"
from:25/10/2004 till:26/10/2004 color:EPAC/CPAC text:"Sixteen-E"
from:28/10/2004 till:30/10/2004 color:SPAC text:"01F"
from:02/11/2004 till:07/11/2004 color:NIO text:"ARB 04"
from:06/11/2004 till:18/11/2004 color:SWIO text:"Arola"
from:13/11/2004 till:25/11/2004 color:WPAC text:"Muifa"
from:16/11/2004 till:18/11/2004 color:WPAC text:"TD"
from:19/11/2004 till:05/12/2004 color:SWIO text:"Bento"
from:21/11/2004 till:23/11/2004 color:WPAC text:"Merbok"
from:27/11/2004 till:30/11/2004 color:WPAC text:"Winnie"
from:29/11/2004 till:04/12/2004 color:WPAC text:"Nanmadol"
from:29/11/2004 till:02/12/2004 color:NIO text:"Agni"
from:29/11/2004 till:03/12/2004 color:NATL text:"Otto"
from:03/12/2004 till:05/12/2004 color:AUSR text:"05S"
from:03/12/2004 till:14/12/2004 color:SPAC text:"02F"
from:05/12/2004 till:10/12/2004 color:SPAC text:"03F"
from:11/12/2004 till:20/12/2004 color:WPAC text:"Talas"
from:11/12/2004 till:11/12/2004 color:SWIO text:"05"
from:17/12/2004 till:21/12/2004 color:WPAC text:"Noru"
from:21/12/2004 till:27/12/2004 color:SPAC text:"Judy"
from:22/12/2004 till:25/12/2004 color:SWIO text:"Chambo"
from:30/12/2004 till:10/01/2005 color:AUSR text:"Raymond"
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from:25/12/2003 till:01/01/2004 text:Dec. 2003
from:01/01/2004 till:01/02/2004 text:January
from:01/02/2004 till:28/02/2004 text:February
from:01/03/2004 till:01/04/2004 text:March
from:01/04/2004 till:01/05/2004 text:April
from:01/05/2004 till:01/06/2004 text:May
from:01/06/2004 till:01/07/2004 text:June
from:01/07/2004 till:01/08/2004 text:July
from:01/08/2004 till:01/09/2004 text:August
from:01/09/2004 till:01/10/2004 text:September
from:01/10/2004 till:01/11/2004 text:October
from:01/11/2004 till:01/12/2004 text:November
from:01/12/2004 till:31/12/2004 text:December
from:01/01/2005 till:10/01/2005 text:Jan. 2005
TextData =
text:"This table is based on the"
text:"tropical cyclone basins"


A total of 138 systems formed globally in the year with 60 of them causing significant damage, deaths, and/or setting records for their basin.

Late–December 2003

Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
HetaDecember 25, 2003—January 8, 2004215 915Samoan Islands, Tonga, Niue$113 million1
DariusDecember 27, 2003—January 4, 2004100 990---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
KenJanuary 1–675 992Western Australia--
Monsoon DepressionJanuary 10–17N/AN/AQueensland, New South Wales--
05RJanuary 22–24UnspecifiedUnspecified---
ElitaJanuary 24–February 4120 970Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Seychelles, Mauritius, Réunion$287 Million33
FrankJanuary 26–February 6185 930Rodrigues--
08RJanuary 28UnspecifiedUnspecified---
LindaJanuary 28–February 195 985---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
FritzFebruary 10–1595 985Queensland, Northern Territory--
01W February 11–1655 1002Caroline Islands--
IvyFebruary 21–28165 935Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and New Zealand$3.8 million4
MontyFebruary 25–March 3185 935Western AustraliaMinor-
EvanFebruary 27–March 465 991Northern Territory--


Average storms forming 12 storms. Strongest storm is Cyclone Gafilo with 895 hpa,
Hurricane Catarina was the record breaking and the only hurricane in the South Atlantic.
Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
GafiloMarch 1–15230 895Madagascar$250 million363
Subtropical StormMarch 2–5UnspecifiedUnspecified---
Nicky-HelmaMarch 10–16110 975---
FayMarch 12–28215 910Northern Territory, Western AustraliaMinimal-
11RMarch 15–28UnspecifiedUnspecified--
02W March 18–2455 1000Philippines--
GraceMarch 20–2395 985---
06FMarch 20–22UnspecifiedUnspecified---
Oscar-ItsengMarch 27–29100 980---
CatarinaMarch 24–28155 972Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil$350 million3–11
08FMarch 28–April 1UnspecifiedUnspecified---
13RMarch 31–April 1UnspecifiedUnspecified---


Below average forming 9 systems. Only Typhoon Sudal became a storm, mostly being a depression.
Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
09FApril 1–3UnspecifiedUnspecified---
Sudal April 4–15165 940Caroline Islands$14 million-
10FApril 4–955 995Fiji$4.17 million11
11FApril 7UnspecifiedUnspecified---
12FApril 7–13UnspecifiedUnspecifiedFiji--
13FApril 12–13UnspecifiedUnspecified---
14FApril 18–19Unspecified1006Tonga--
15FApril 21–24Unspecified1006---
14RApril 26–27UnspecifiedUnspecified---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
ARB 01May 5–1085 989Kochi$6.7 million-
JubaMay 5–17100 980---
Nida May 13–21175 935Caroline Islands, Philippines, Japan$1.3 million31
05WMay 14–2055 1004Vietnam--
BOB 01May 16–19165 952Odisha, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Yunnan$99.2 million236
Omais May 16–2295 985Caroline Islands--
16RMay 19–24UnspecifiedUnspecified---
AgathaMay 22–2460 997---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
Conson June 4–11150 960Philippines, Taiwan, Japan$3.8 million30
Chanthu June 5–15110 975Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand$7.9 million39
ARB 02June 10–1355 UnspecifiedPuri--
BOB 02June 11–1455 Unspecified---
Dianmu June 11–21185 915Caroline Islands, Japan$68.5 million6
Typhoon Mindulle June 21–July 4175 940Mariana Islands, Philippines, Taiwan, East China, Ryukyu Islands, Korea$833 million56
TingtingJune 25–July 4150 955Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands$23.7 million12


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
Two-EJuly 2–435 1007---
One-CJuly 5–630 1007---
BlasJuly 11–1565 991Northern Mexico--
Kompasu July 12–1685 992Philippines, Taiwan, South ChinaUnknown-
CeliaJuly 19–2585 981---
NamtheunJuly 24–August 3155 955Japan--
DarbyJuly 26–August 1120 957-Minimal-
TDJuly 27Unspecified998South China--
AlexJuly 31–August 6120 957Southeastern United States, Atlantic Canada$7.5 million1


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
Six-EAugust 1–230 1008---
BonnieAugust 3–1465 1001Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, Yucatán Peninsula, Southeastern United States, Mid-Atlantic states, New England, Atlantic Canada$1.27 million3
MalouAugust 2–675 996JapanUnknown-
MerantiAugust 2–9140 960Wake Island--
Rananim August 6–15150 950Ryukyu Islands, East China, Taiwan$2.44 billion169
TDAugust 6–7Unspecified1002---
TDAugust 7–8Unspecified1002---
MalakasAugust 9–1385 990-Unknown-
CharleyAugust 9–14150 941Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, East Coast of the United States $16.9 billion15
DanielleAugust 13–21110 964Cape Verde--
EarlAugust 13–1550 1009Windward Islands-1
Megi August 14–20120 970Japan, KoreaUnknown5
ChabaAugust 17–31205 910Ryukyu Islands, South Korea, Japan$977 million20
Aere August 18–31150 955Caroline Islands, Ryukyu Islands, China, Taiwan$313 thousand107
EstelleAugust 19–2470 989---
FrankAugust 23–2670 979Baja California Peninsula--
Nine-EAugust 23–2635 1005---
FrancesAugust 24–September 7145 935, Southern United States, Midwestern United States, Mid-Atlantic states, New England, Atlantic Canada$10.1 billion7
21WAugust 25–3155 1000Mariana Islands--
GeorgetteAugust 26–3065 995---
Songda August 26–September 8175 925Marshall Islands, Mariana Islands, Japan, South Korea$9 billion28
GastonAugust 27–September 175 985The Carolinas, Mid-Atlantic states, New England, Atlantic Canada$130 million8
HermineAugust 27–3060 1002New England, Atlantic CanadaMinimal-
HowardAugust 30–September 5140 943Baja California Peninsula, Western United StatesMinimal-


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
PhoebeSeptember 1–585 990---
IvanSeptember 2–24165 910Lesser Antilles, Venezuela, Greater Antilles, Gulf Coast of the United States, Eastern United States, Atlantic Canada$26.1 billion94
SarikaSeptember 3–9100 980Mariana Islands--
TenSeptember 7–935 1009---
TDSeptember 8–11Not specified1002Ryukyu Islands--
IsisSeptember 8–1675 987---
JavierSeptember 10–19150 930Baja California, Southwestern United States--
Haima September 10–1375 996Taiwan, East China$7.64 million-
TDSeptember 12Unspecified1008Taiwan--
BOB 03September 12–1545 996West Bengal-33
JeanneSeptember 13–28120 950Leeward Islands, Greater Antilles,, Southeastern United States, Mid-Atlantic states, New England, Atlantic Canada$7.94 billion3,042
PabloSeptember 15–20Unspecified1008Philippines, Vietnam--
TDSeptember 15–16Unspecified1006East China--
KarlSeptember 16–24145 938Faroe Islands, Iceland, NorwayMinimal-
LisaSeptember 19–October 375 987---
Meari September 19–September 29165 940Caroline Islands, Japan$798 million18
TDSeptember 20Unspecified1008---
OnilSeptember 30–October 10100 990India, Pakistan-9


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
BOB 04/05October 2–845 1002India$23.9 million218
Ma-on October 3–10185 920Japan$603 millionUnknown
KayOctober 4–645 1004---
MatthewOctober 8–1045 997Gulf Coast of the United States, Midwestern United States, Great Plains$305 thousand-
TDOctober 9–13Unspecified1004---
NicoleOctober 10–1150 986Bermuda, Maine, Atlantic Canada--
Tokage October 10–20155 940Mariana Islands, Taiwan, Japan$3.23 billion95
LesterOctober 11–1350 1000Southwestern Mexico--
Nock-ten October 14–26155 945Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands-3
02October 25–29UnspecifiedUnspecified---
Sixteen-EOctober 25–2635 1004Northern Mexico--
01FOctober 28–3045 1001---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
ARB 04November 2–755 1004Sri Lanka
ArolaNovember 6–18110 978Diego Garcia--
Muifa November 13–25150 950Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar$18 million
TDNovember 16–18Unspecified1006---
BentoNovember 19–December 5215 915Mascarene Islands--
Merbok November 21–2365 1000Philippines$5.1 million31
WinnieNovember 27–30Unspecified1002Philippines$14.6 million1,593
Nanmadol November 29–December 4165 935Caroline Islands, Philippines, Taiwan$60.8 million77
AgniNovember 29–December 2100 994Somalia--
OttoNovember 29–December 350 995---


Storm nameDates activeMax wind mph Min pressure Areas affectedDamage DeathsRefs
05SDecember 3–535 998Indonesia--
02FDecember 3–1455 1000---
03FDecember 5–1045 1000---
Talas December 11–2075 994Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands$750 thousand-
05December 11–11UnspecifiedUnspecified---
NoruDecember 17–2175 990Mariana Islands--
JudyDecember 21–2785 987---
ChamboDecember 22–25155 990Cocos Islands--
RaymondDecember 30, 2004January 10, 200585 985Western AustraliaMinimal-

Global effects