Triumph (Nigeria)

The Triumph is a 38-year-old Nigerian English language newspaper published by the Triumph Publishing Company Limited based in the ancient city of Kano, Kano State. It presently publishes a weekly edition with arrangements to return to publishing of the Daily, Weekend and Sunday editions as well as the publishing of its sister vernacular newspapers of AlBishir.Triumph #cite note-1| & AlFijir.Triumph #cite note-1|
The Triumph Newspaper was established in June 1980.Triumph #cite note-2| The company is solely owned by the Ministry of Information, Youths and Culture of the Kano State government. In October 2012 the state government closed down the Company for alleged unviability.Triumph #cite note-6| The closure was later found to have political undertones.
The present government re-opened itTriumph #cite note-6| and included in the 2018 budget and a pledge to acquire a modern digital printing machine for the company.Triumph #cite note-6|