
Triedinstvo is a three-way split CD by the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian racist bands Kolovrat, Arya Varta and Kamaedzitca. The album took a year to complete and was released in 2012.
According to the album's liner notes, the album was originally conceived in 2001 and meant to be released in 2003, but unspecified circumstances held it back. The aim of the album is to promote unity and solidarity between the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The liner notes also speak out against pseudo-nationalists and chauvinists.
The album contains 5 tracks by each of the bands plus an 8-minute track containing all three bands.

Track list

  1. Коловрат – Европа Отечеств
  2. Коловрат – Абсурдистан
  3. Коловрат – Враги Государства
  4. Коловрат – Зубы Дракона
  5. Коловрат – Воздух Свободы
  6. Арья Варта – Гiмн Свободи
  7. Арья Варта – Долонi До Небес
  8. Арья Варта – Край Батькiв
  9. Арья Варта – Белая страна
  10. Арья Варта – Узникам Совести Посвящается
  11. Камаедица – Вiльгельм Кубэ
  12. Камаедица – xМІНСКx
  13. Камаедица – 1889
  14. Камаедица – Час Барацьбы
  15. Камаедица – Справядлівасць І Любоў
  16. Коловрат, Арья Варта, Камаедица – Кровное родство