
A triangulane is a hydrocarbon consisting of a series of spiro-linked cyclopropane rings. The systematic naming pattern for these molecules is "triangulane", where n is the number of cyclopropane units.
The simplest such chemical, triangulane by the systematic nomenclature of this class, is named Spiropentane|spiropentane by standard spirocyclic structure nomenclature. Chains consisting of four or more cyclopropane units—triangulane and higher—can form chiral helices. This property is unusual for a molecule that contains no stereogenic atoms; the chiral nature is due to restricted mobility of the chain ends analogous to helicene molecules.
The rings can form a branched or cyclic patterns. For example, rotane is a branched triangulane; it consists of one additional cyclopropane attached to the central ring of a triangulane chain.