Transistor (TNT album)

Transistor is the seventh studio album by the Norwegian hard rock band TNT. While it kept the alternative feel of Firefly, it was more successful than Firefly, with the song "Just Like God" receiving some radioplay at US College radio stations.

Track listing

"Just Like God" is not included on the Japanese edition.



The album was met with mixed reviews amongst fans and reviewers alike. It was given max score in Oppland Arbeiderblad while bigger tabloid newspapers in Norway give it a 4 out of 6. The fanbase was, like Firefly, almost split in half while one group did not like this new experimental side of TNT while the other group approached with open arms. Morty Black stated in an interview that Transistor was the natural progression from Firefly. The album is still controversial today but keeps growing on the fanbase and is now accepted as an important part of TNT history. Tony Harnell's solid effort on Transistor is widely known to be one of the strongest vocal performances he did for TNT.