Toucan crossing

A toucan crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing that also allows bicycles to be ridden across. Since two-can, both pedestrians and cyclists, cross together, the name "toucan" was chosen.
In the United Kingdom, toucan crossings are normally 4 metres wide, instead of the 2.8 metre width of a pelican crossing or puffin crossing. There are two types of toucan crossing: on more recently installed ones, a "green bicycle" is displayed next to the "green man" when cyclists and pedestrians are permitted to cross. A red bicycle and red man are shown at other times; older ones do not have a red bicycle – bicycles are permitted to cross at any time.
Unlike the pelican crossing, before the lights for vehicles go back to green, a steady red and amber are displayed instead of a flashing amber. The pedestrian/cyclist signal lights may be on the near side of the crossing, or on the opposite side of the road.
A related crossing type is the pegasus crossing for horse riders.