Toronto (CAN-TF3) Heavy Urban Search and Rescue

HUSAR is the Toronto Heavy Urban Search and Rescue unit CAN-TF3 - a USAR unit able to respond to disaster situations at a city, provincial and national level, as well as offer international assistance.
CAN-TF3 is operated by Toronto Fire Services, in collaboration with Toronto Police Service and Toronto EMS created to deal with search and rescue operations in the City of Toronto. This specialized unit was created following the events of September 11, 2001 and allows the city to deal with large-scale disasters. The unit can respond to situations outside of the city, and offer provincial, national, as well as international assistance.
The cities of Vancouver, Calgary, and the province of Manitoba, also currently have, or are developing, similar interoperable Heavy USAR capacity.

Roles and responsibilities


A list of major deployments of CAN-TF3: