Toro Toro Formation

The Toro Toro Formation is a Late Campanian geologic formation pertaining to the Puca Group of central Bolivia. The porous yellowish medium-to-coarse grained ferruginous sandstones and mudstones with gypsum intercalations, deposited in a beach environment, preserve many ichnofossils of Ligabueichnium bolivianum, Dromaeopodus sp., Ornithopoda indet., Theropoda indet. and Titanosauridae indet. The formation has provided the earliest known tracksite of dinosaurs in Bolivia. The Toro Toro Formation represents part of the postrift stage in an alluvial to deltaic environment within the Potosí Basin. The formation is a local equivalent of the Chaunaca Formation. The most famous of the dinosaur tracksites is Cal Orcko.