Topsy Turvy World

Topsy Turvy World is the fourth and final story arc from the third season of The Bullwinkle Show. It was broadcast on NBC during the 1961–1962 television season.


A freak case of polar drift causes widespread climate change, bringing unseasonable warmth to Europe and shifting the South Pacific island of Rikitiki to the North Pole. Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale conspire to get rich by conquering Rikitiki and becoming the new Santa Claus, roaming around the world and robbing everyone in their sight. Rocky and Bullwinkle, with the aid of Peter Peachfuzz, must thwart the plot and restore the planet back to its normal state.

Episode segments

Episode 1

  1. Topsy Turvy World
  2. Fractured Fairy Tales: The Little Tinker
  3. Bullwinkle's Corner: "The Swing"
  4. Peabody's Improbable History: Geronimo
  5. Funny Business in the Books or The Library Card

    Episode 2

  6. Topsy Turvy Time or Emit Yvrut Yspot
  7. Aesop and Son: The Fox and the Hound
  8. Bullwinkle's Corner: "My Shadow"
  9. Peabody's Improbable HIstory: The Great Wall of China
  10. Bullwinkle Takes the Wheel or The Bum Steer

    Episode 3

  11. The Ocean Waves or Hi, Divers
  12. Fractured Fairy Tales: A Sad Tale of a Frog
  13. Mr. Know-It-All: How to Train Your Doggy
  14. Dudley Do-Right: Marigolds
  15. *ZZZZZ*

    Episode 4

  16. Six O'Clock Low or Bullwinkle Gets the Point
  17. Fractured Fairy Tales: The Teeth of Baghdad
  18. Bullwinkle's Corner: "Sing a Song of Sixpence"
  19. Peabody's Improbable History: The Marquis of Queensbury
  20. Boris Goes for Broke or A Fiend in Need Is a Fiend Indeed

    Episode 5

  21. The Fright Before Christmas or A Visit from Saint Nicholouse
  22. Aesop and Son: The Bears and the Dragon
  23. Mr. Know-It-All: How to Escape from Devil's Island
  24. Peabody's Improbable History: Jim Bowie
  25. Soups On or Rocky Goes to Pot

    Episode 6

  26. Snowbank Squirrel or Bullwinkle Gets the Drift
  27. Aesop and Son: The Fox and the Woodman
  28. Bullwinkle's Corner: "The Raven"
  29. Peabody's Improbable History: Edgar Allan Poe
  30. Claus and Effect or Yule...Be Sorry

    Episode 7

  31. Boom at the Top or The Angry Young Moose
  32. Fractured Fairy Tales: The Little Man in the Boat
  33. Bullwinkle's Corner: "Hickory Dickory Dock"
  34. Dudley Do-Right: Trading Places
  35. Fur, Fur Away or Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow