
Anthony Jeffrey, also known as Tonetta, is a Canadian singer-songwriter and visual artist who, in the early 1980s, began living as a recluse and recording original music on cassettes after separating from his wife. In 2008, he started his first YouTube channel, which led to his record label debut. His YouTube account, as well as many subsequent accounts established under other usernames, have been banned repeatedly for violating the site's content rules.
Critics have variously described Tonetta as "the savior of lo-fi music", "a pure artist", and a combination of "repulsion and intrigue". In the description of music writer Johnny Dee, "For every YouTube comment that finds Tonetta hilarious or repellent there are dozens from people who have discovered that, beyond the shock value, is a genuine outsider pop artist." Tonetta is best known for his song "Pressure Zone". As of 2017, the music video was viewed over 2 million times on YouTube.
According to Jeffrey, "Tonetta" refers more specifically to his female alter ego. He said that many of his songs are inspired by real life people or incidents and cited John Lennon as his primary influence. Of his music tastes, he said: "I like the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson. I followed soul artists.... After Murder of John Lennon| died, I didn't know who to follow anymore. It was around then I started writing anyway so it kinda worked out."

Personal life

As of 2011, Jeffrey lived in Toronto, Ontario as a part-time upholsterer. He was previously married to a woman, until 1983, and has two sons. He has not talked to his wife or seen his children since 1983, when his sons were eight and 10 years old respectively. One of his sons reconnected with him by email shortly after Jeffrey began posting music to YouTube in 2008, but stopped writing once Tonetta began "puttin’ on the dresses and stuff."
