Tommy Lorne

Tommy Lorne was a Scottish music hall comedian of the 1920s.


Born Hugh Gallagher Corcoran in Kirkintilloch, he grew up in Glasgow.
Lorne famously wore white make-up, boots that were too large, a jacket that was too short, a Glengarry and a very short kilt. He performed his act in a high-pitched voice. In 1927, Lorne made two short films, The Lard Song and Tommy Lorne and "Dumplings", both filmed in the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process.
It is often said that Lorne sausage is named after him. However, advertisements for Lorne sausage have been found in newspapers as early as 1896, long before Tommy Lorne became well-known.
He died from pneumonia at age 45.
