Tokyo Tribes

Tokyo Tribes, known in Japanese as Tokyo Tribe-2, is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Santa Inoue. A previous series titled Tokyo Tribe was published into a single-volume in 1993. Tokyo Tribes was originally serialized from 1997 to 2005 in the urban fashion magazine boon. It is a continuation of the plot in Tokyo Tribe, although many of the characters from that story do not appear in this series. A live-action film adaptation directed by Sion Sono was released in Japan on August 30, 2014, which featured a shock video called "Goosh Goosh" in 2011.


Five years after the Shibuya riots, the Tribes of Tokyo have been enjoying a period of relative peace, until Kim and two other members of the Musashino Saru intrude on the territory of the Wu-Ronz in Bukuro. Mera, the leader of Wu-Ronz kills the three Saru, under the assumption that they were members of the Shibuya Saru.
Two days later, after searching for who killed his friends, Musashino Saru member Kai runs into Mera. Old friends in their high school days, the two get into a confrontation that ends up leaving Tera, the leader of Musashino Saru, dead and setting the stage for violence between the Tribes.



The show was originally planned as a movie which would have been distributed by MTV.


A live action film adaptation directed by Sion Sono was released in Japan on August 30, 2014.

Spin-offs and sequels