toio is an educational video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It consists of two miniature robots, a docking station with a monochrome display, a cartridge port to load software onto, and two controllers. After shipping to crowdfunding backers in January 2018, the platform was released across Japan in March 2019.
The product was conceived by Alexis André, based out of Sony Computer Science Laboratories' Tokyo division. It was unveiled at the Tokyo Toy Show and was put up for pre-order on Sony Corporation's First Flight crowdfunding platform in June 2017. Bandai, LEGO and Sony Music were announced as partners in development and content creation. In late 2017, Sony Interactive Entertainment took over the project as it offered a challenge beyond the television. Backers began receiving toio in January 2018.Shortly after the project shifted to the gaming division, the hardware and software was significantly redesigned to improve stability. Sony offered the revised version of toio to those who crowdfunded the original at no additional cost. This version began being sold to the general public in Japan on March 20, 2019. Sony made the platform open source and released a GitHub repository on June 13, 2019.
Alongside the hardware itself, Sony has released a variety of themed kits that include game cartridges, additional toys for the robots and books with activities.Game title | Release Date |
toio collection | March 20, 2019 |
Papercraft Creatures - Gesundroid | March 20, 2019 |
GoGo Robot Programming | March 20, 2019 |
toio drive | November 14, 2019 |
~More Fun For Everyone~ toio collection Expansion Pack | December 5, 2019 |
Picotons | Summer 2020 |
The Phantom Thief and the Demon King's Museum | Fall 2020 |