Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun is a Japanese manga series by Iro Aida. It has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnenmanga magazine Monthly GFantasy since 2014. It has been collected in thirteen tankōbon volumes. The manga is licensed in North America by Yen Press. An anime television series adaptation by Lerche aired from January to March 2020.
Kamome Academy is famous for its rumors regarding its Seven Mysteries and supernatural occurrences. Nene Yashiro, a first-year high-school student who loves the occult and wishes for a boyfriend, summons the Seventh and most famous Mystery, "Hanako-san of the Toilet", a girl who allegedly haunts the bathroom after committing suicide there and can grant wishes for the right price. Upon summoning her, Yashiro discovers that "Hanako-san" is nothing like the rumors say; Hanako is a boy. With a turn of events, she is spiritually bound to Hanako and becomes his assistant, helping him destroy evil supernaturals and change rumors in order to maintain the balance between the spirit world and the human world. Along the way, Yashiro learns about her connection to the spirit world and the dark secrets regarding Hanako and his past.
The Seven Mysteries of Kamome Academy are the seven most famous supernatural rumors in the school, and their corresponding supernaturals serve to maintain the students' safety from murderous supernaturals. Leading them is Hanako, who is the Seventh and most famous mystery. Each Mystery has their own Boundary, a divine yorishiro, and an aspect of the school that they control. Their Boundary is a section of the school where their power is the strongest. Boundaries are the 'sea' between the Near Shore, where the living reside, and the Far Shore, where other apparitions exist, and thus contain a small amount of water on the ground. A divine yorishiro is an item they cherish that acts as the source of their power. When a yorishiro is destroyed, the Mystery's designated seat as a School Mystery and their power are removed. Thus, they are usually kept in the deepest region of the Boundary or safeguarded by the mystery themselves. ;No. 1 – The Three Clock Keepers ;No. 2 – The Misaki Stairs ;No. 3 – The Hell of Mirrors ;No. 4 – Shijima-san of the Art Room ;No. 5 – The 4pm Bookstacks No. 6 – The Reaper ;No. 7 – Hanako-san of the Toilet
Kamome Academy Supernaturals
Apart from the Seven Mysteries, there are other, less powerful supernaturals that roam the school. They rely on student rumors to gain power, unlike the Mysteries which already have theirs so popular and widespread among the student body. ;Mokke ;Kodama
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun is written and illustrated by Iro Aida. The series started in the July 2014 issue of Square Enix's Monthly GFantasy, published on June 18, 2014. Square Enix has compiled its chapters into individual tankōbon volumes. The first volume was published on May 22, 2015. As of May 27, 2020, thirteen volumes have been published. In North America, Yen Press announced in July 2017 that they would publish the manga digitally. In July 2019, Yen Press announced the print release of the series.
Volume list
An anime television series adaptation was announced in the April issue of Monthly GFantasy magazine on March 18, 2019. The series is animated by Lerche and directed by Masaomi Andō, with Yasuhiro Nakanishi handling series composition, and Mayuka Itou designing the characters. Hiroshi Takaki is composing the music. It premiered from January 9, 2020 to March 26, 2020 on TBS, SUN, CBC, and BS-TBS. Chibaku Shōnen Band performed the series' opening theme song "No.7", while Akari Kitō performed the series' ending theme song "Tiny Light." The series has run for 12 episodes. Funimation has licensed the series for a simuldub.