Tiger Eyes (film)

Tiger Eyes is a 2012 film directed by Lawrence Blume based on the 1981 young adult novel of the same name, written by Judy Blume, and stars Willa Holland, Kambiz Aghdasi, Amy Jo Johnson and Tatanka Means. It follows the story of Davey, a young girl attempting to cope with the sudden death of her father and the subsequent uprooting of her life.
The film marks the first major motion picture adaptation from the work of author Judy Blume, whose books have sold more than 82 million copies in 41 countries.


Forced by her grieving mother to move from her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to the strange "atom bomb" town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, Davey no longer knows who to be or how to fit in.
Everything that once mattered—the friends, reputations, parties and expectations that fuel high school days—suddenly seems insignificant and Davey is certain no one has the first clue about the turmoil she is going through.
But when she meets Wolf, a mysterious Native American climber exploring the surrounding canyons, she feels he is able to see right into her most wild and secret emotions. Their intense relationship brings Davey back from the edge as she finds the courage to embark on the first great adventure of her life.


Released on June 7, 2013 the film garnered generally good reviews, with a 19 of 29 positive grade on Rotten Tomatoes for a final score of 66%.