Tianyi UAV

Tianyi UAVs are Chinese UAVs developed by Nanjing Some of its UAVs are jointly developed with Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

Flying Fox 1

Flying Fox 1 UAV is an experimental UAV developed by Tianyi to gain experience in carrier landing. Flying Fox 1 UAV is a fixed-wing UAV with a twin-boom layout, inverted v-tail, and tricycle landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a twin-blade pusher propeller driven by a gasoline engine mounted in the rear end of the fuselage. The Flying Fox 1 gained attention when it won the 500000 ¥ prize during the AVIC Cup International UAV Innovation Grand Price Competition held in Beijing in February 2011. Specification:
The training UAV Flying Sky is a UAV of conventional layout with high-wing configuration and tricycle landing gear. The nose wheel has a fairing to reduce drag. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose. The training UAV Flying Sky is intended to be used as a lower cost training UAV for future UAV crews operating more expensive UAVs, such as the TY-HC series. Externally, this training UAV Flying Sky visually resembles a miniature version of the Cessna 152. The training UAV Flying Sky has also been used in the development of the Flying Fox 1 experimental aircraft, designed to gain experience in carrier landing.


TY-DB3 is an UAV in conventional layout with high wing configuration and tricycle landing gear system. Propulsion is provided by a three-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose, powered by a Komatsu Limited 80 cc gasoline engine. Specification:
TY-HC30 is a fixed-wing UAV in twin-boom layout with tricycle landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a pusher gasoline engine mounted in the rear end of the fuselage.
TY-HC40 is a fixed-wing UAV in twin-boom layout with inverted v-tail. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a pusher gasoline engine mounted in the rear end of the fuselage, and it has a tricycle landing gear system. Specification:
TY-HC-75 UAV is a fixed-wing UAV in twin-boom layout with winglets and tricycle landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a three-blade propeller driven by a pusher engine mounted in the rear end of the fuselage, powered by a Limbach Flugmotoren 275 twin cylinder gasoline engine. Specification:
TY-Z10 UAV is a fixed-wing UAV in twin-boom layout with inverted v-tail. Landing gear system consists of a pair of skids and propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a pusher engine mounted in the rear end of the fuselage, powered by DL55 engine. Specification: