Tianshan, Jiangsu

Tianshan Town is a town in Gaoyou County-level city, which in its turn is part of Yangzhou Prefecture-level city, in China's Jiangsu Province.
The town is located about 30 km southwest from Gaoyou central city, and about the same distance northwest from downtown Yangzhou.
Tianshan town has received its name from its best known natural feature, the Shenju Hill, formerly known as "Tianshan". Although it is not tall, it is a basaltic extinct volcano, the only extinct volcano in Yangzhou Prefecture. The tomb of Liu Xu, the ruler the Guangling state within the Han Empire, was located at the depth of 25 m inside the extinct volcano. The largely intact tomb was excavated by Chinese archaeologists in 1979–1980. Later, the tomb was re-created, with the original artifacts on display, in a purpose-built museum in Yangzhou. Although the original funeral jade shroud of Liu Xiu has been removed to the National Museum of China in Beijing, a full-scale replica is housed here.