Thomas Gil
Thomas Gil is a Spanish-born German philosopher, currently University Professor of Practical Philosophy) at the Technical University of Berlin
Born in Madrid on Oct. 21, 1954, he received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Münster in 1981 and his Habilitation from the University of Stuttgart in 1992.
After having held teaching appointments as an assistant professor and as associate professor at the University of Cologne and Stuttgart University from 1985 till 1995, he became in 1995 full professor of philosophy at the University of St. Gallen and in 1996 the Chaïm Perelman Professor at the Free University of Brussels.
Beginning in 1998, he has been University Professo at the Technical University of Berlin. He has also been visiting professor at the University of Murcia.
Gil is author of several books and articles on ethical judgments and normative structures, scientific research and practical reasoning, human action and rationality, in which he intends to clarify fundamental concepts human beings use to interpret natural reality and their own place in it, analytically examining the contexts in which specific arguments were developed and critically assessed in order to explain such concepts.