The Wacky World of Mother Goose

The Wacky World of Mother Goose is an animated feature film made by Rankin/Bass, written by Romeo Muller and directed by Jules Bass based on Charles Perrault's stories and nursery rhymes. The movie is the first theatrical feature by Rankin and Bass. It features Humpty Dumpty, the Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe, and the Crooked Man. Mother Goose is voiced by Margaret Rutherford.


In the land of Old King Cole: Jack and Jill, Simple Simon, Georgie Porgie, Humpty Dumpty, and the others are worried when Mother Goose has to visit her sister who lives beyond the Moon. Meanwhile, Count Warptwist the Crooked Man is up to no good and will stop at nothing to rule the land, so it's up to the good characters to try and stop him.
