The Vacant Lot

The Vacant Lot is a short-lived comedy sketch show which CBC Television ran for only six episodes starting in December 1993. The Vacant Lot was extended for another 13 episodes, but the CBC later changed their minds and the remaining 13 episodes, although scripted, were never taped.
CBC sold the show to Comedy Central, which did not air the episodes until July 1994. The Vacant Lot was shown as a Fourth of July marathon on that network.
Nick McKinney, a member of The Vacant Lot, is the brother of The Kids in the Hall member and Saturday Night Live veteran Mark McKinney. The show's other cast members were Rob Gfroerer, Vito Viscomi, and Paul Greenberg.
The Vacant Lot opening theme music was "Pretty Vacant" by The Sex Pistols.

Episode list

Episode 1Blinded By The LightBoxing 1You May Go...NowChamber of HorrorsShiatzuBoxing 2CustomsSlept on His ArmsBoxing 3
Episode 2The Time HelmetFive Bucks! 1Mr. Wiggle's ClubhouseFive Bucks! 2The HeadFive Bucks 3Pamper MeMr. Wiggle's Clubhouse 2-
Episode 3Laundry Day FashionsSteamiesBurglar and Dog 1BonnetOf Mice and SnoopyBurglar and Dog 2Burglar and Dog 3The Silent Ventriloquist"We're Gonna Get Lucky Tonight" Song
Episode 4Chocolate MousseNose ClippersPants! The MusicalBus StopI'm BoredTrash Can Fight 1Pizza DeliveryTrash Can Fight 2-
Episode 5Police Line-UpEmergency RescueJesus in the Classroom 1PygmalionJesus in the Classroom 2The ThreadJesus in the Classroom 3Knee Slap-
Episode 6Party MusicKilling Your DadDance Avant de TomberWas the Party Too Loud, Mr. Smithers?Eggtown Boy 1My Music Will Live On Great VideoEggtown Boy-