The Tracy Morgan Show

The Tracy Morgan Show is an American sitcom television series created by David M. Israel and Jim O'Doherty, that aired on NBC from December 2, 2003 to March 20, 2004. The series stars Tracy Morgan and Tamala Jones. The show was canceled in its first season after 16 episodes.


Tracy Morgan portrays "Tracy Mitchell", who is the owner of an auto repair garage. He has a wife named Alicia, a teenaged son named Derrick and a seven-year-old named Jimmy as well as Aunt Pearl.



The series was created by David Israel and Jim O'Doherty, who also served as executive producers. Additional executive producers include Marcy Carsey, Caryn Mandabach, Lorne Michaels, David Miner, and Tom Werner.
Cast member Heavy D composed the series' music and theme song.
Bobb'e J. Thompson would go on to play a Tracy Morgan character's son a second time in the hit series 30 Rock.


Broadcast and syndication

In 2006, The Box Comedy aired the series, including the two unaired episodes. It disappeared when the channel was transformed to Comedy Central, until it was rerun in 2010. The show is currently aired by Comedy Central Family. On May 31, 2010, TV One aired the series in its entirety, including the two unaired episodes.

Awards and nominations