The Town (2012 TV series)

The Town is a three-part British television drama series, created by playwright Mike Bartlett, that was first broadcast on ITV on 5 December 2012. The series, which stars Andrew Scott as Mark Nicholas, a young man who returns to his hometown of Renton following the death of both of his parents, was Bartlett's first project for television. The series also stars Martin Clunes as Len Robson, the mayor of Renton; Julia McKenzie as Mark's estranged grandmother, Betty; Avigail Tlalim as Jodie, Mark's rebellious 15-year-old sister; and Charlotte Riley as Alice, Mark's first love.
Filming locations for the series included the high street of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire; Hughenden Park; The Rye; and High Wycombe railway station. The mayor's office was also located in a Chapel Lane building in High Wycombe. Scott said of his role in the series; "I was anxious to find a project where I could show a little more light and shade. I wouldn't describe my character as an everyman; but he's certainly somebody people will recognise. Mark ticked those boxes post-Sherlock as a character, and The Town was a really exciting project for me." The series was released on DVD in Spain in 2013; but remains unreleased on DVD in the UK.
