The Three Bears (Looney Tunes)

The Three Bears are animated cartoon characters in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. The dysfunctional family consists of Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Junior Bear. The characters were featured in five theatrical cartoons released between 1944 and 1951.


introduced the trio in the 1944 cartoon Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears, in which Bugs Bunny invades the home of the three bears, and Mama Bear takes a fancy to him. In the short, Papa Bear tries to feed his starving family by having them act out their roles in the traditional fairy tale from which they derive their name. Unfortunately for them, when they were out of porridge, Mama substitutes carrot soup for it, and the "Goldilocks" they lure turns out to be Bugs. Purcell and Liepien, in Parallel Curriculum Units for Social Studies, Grades 6-12 , recommended this film as part of the study of the sociological implications of humor; Steven Case, in Toons That Teach, also mines this work for pedagogic value.

Further theatrical appearances

Jones brought back the Bears for his 1948 cartoon What's Brewin', Bruin?, this time without Bugs. Here, Papa Bear decides that it's time for the Bears to hibernate; however, various disturbances interfere. Junior's voice is here supplied by Stan Freberg.
Other Three Bears cartoons included Bear Feat, released in 1948 and Bee-Deviled Bruin, released in 1949. The final Three Bears cartoon of the classic era, A Bear for Punishment, parodies cultural values surrounding the celebration of Father's Day.