The Suffering (2016 film)

The Suffering is a 2016 American horror/thriller film directed by Robert Hamilton, co-written by Hamilton and Marco Scola, and starring Phil Amico, Nick Apostolides, and Liz Christmas. It was released in the United States on July 29, 2016.


Henry Davies, a property appraiser, begins an assignment at an isolated rural farm owned by the enigmatic Mr Remiel. He finds himself trapped and haunted by unearthly beings.


In his review for The Los Angeles Times Noel Murray wrote: "Give credit to writer-director Robert Hamilton for trying something subtler than the average B-movie, but his film could've used a few more cheap shocks".
Reviewing for Starburst magazine, Martin Unsworth gave The Suffering a score of eight stars from ten. He considered that: "The Suffering is incredibly well acted, beautifully shot, and manages to build up an eerie atmosphere from the very start."
Decay Horror Mag gave "The Suffering" a score of three and a half stars from five, and wrote: "Horror enthusiasts and cinefiles will appreciate the creative direction"... "Hamilton and Scola designed a screenplay with key elements infused into every scene."