The Spiraling Worm

The Spiraling Worm is a science fiction and Lovecraftian horror novel written in the style of a spy thriller, by authors David Conyers and John Sunseri. Published in 2007, the novel went received an Honourable Mention for Best Australian Horror Novel in the 12th Annual Aurealis Award and the Australian Shadows Award. The last three stories received honorable mentions in the Year's Best Fantasy and Horror Volume 21.

Plot introduction

The Spiraling Worm consists of seven interconnected tales. Each story features spies and government agents battling terrorists and government conspiracies who wish to release cosmic horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos from their hidden dimensions to destroy the Earth. The seven stories are:
The book is introduced by C. J. Henderson with an After Word by the authors. The plot summaries of the seven stories are: