The Specialists (TV series)

The Specialists is an animated television series that appeared on the second season of MTV's Liquid Television in 1992. It was created and directed by Joe Horne, creator of the previous MTV series Stevie and Zoya and a director on The Boondocks.


The plot revolved around three detectives for hire: the group's leader Mastermind, who wore a white Nehru jacket and as his name implied was the brains of the operation; Kittka, a female escape artist who wore a skintight blue tuxedo and had blue hair and skin; and Samson, a large, muscular man in a black suit. Their many foes during the 10 three-minute episodes included an evil crime clown, an intergalactic poodle conspiracy, an evil genius named Dr. Raoul Dendrite and his schoolgirl-uniformed assistant Delilah, and Negator, who subdued his opponents with a highly sarcastic wit.

Series credits

As they appeared on the second season closing credits of Liquid Television: