Alex Mack is an ordinary teenage girl, living with her parents, George and Barbara, and older sister, Annie, in the town of Paradise Valley, Arizona. While walking home after her first day of junior high school, she is nearly hit by a truck from a chemical plant, and during the incident, she is accidentally drenched with a top secret chemical called GC-161. She soon discovers that it has given her strange powers, such as telekinesis, shooting electricity from her fingers, and the ability to dissolve into a mobile puddle of water. However, her powers prove to be unpredictable she confides only in Annie and her best friend, Ray, choosing to keep her powers a secret from everyone else, including her parents, for fear of what the chemical plant CEO, Danielle Atron, will do to her if she finds out.
Alexandra "Alex" Mack - Alex is an average teenager in Paradise Valley. While walking home from school, she is nearly hit by a truck carrying GC-161 and is doused with it, thus; giving her extraordinary powers. Among them are telekinesis, the ability to generate electricity from her hands and the ability to liquify/travel from place to place in the form of a puddle of water.
Raymond "Ray" Alvarado – Alex's best friend and next door neighbor, and the only one besides Annie to know about Alex's powers.
Annie Mack – Alex's older sister, and a scientific genius in her own right. Next to Ray, she is the only one who originally knows about Alex's powers. She administers various scientific tests to ensure Alex's safety. She also hopes to one day present her research, in an effort to stop Danielle Atron.
George Mack – Annie and Alex's father. He is a brilliant chemist who works for Danielle Atron at the Paradise Valley Chemical Plant.
Barbara Mack – Annie and Alex's mother. She is a more down-to-earth woman who works in a public relations firm.
Louis Driscoll – Alex and Ray's abrasive friend. At first Alex is jealous of Louis, but they eventually become friends.
David "Dave" Watt – The dim witted truck driver who was driving the truck that accidentally dumped the GC-161 chemical on Alex. As the only witness to the accident, Dave is often forced to serve as a partner to Vince Carter in trying to capture Alex. After seeing Alex using her powers while she was in high school, Dave keeps it a secret from Danielle to protect her as he knew what kind of horrible experiments Danielle had planned for her.
Jessica – Scott's first girlfriend and Alex's first school rival.
Kelly Phillips – Scott's second girlfriend and Alex's second school rival. Kelly deviously discredits Alex at every given turn, much to Alex's dismay.
Robyn Russo – One of Alex and Ray's neighborhood friends. Though she possesses a sardonicsense of humor and is fun to be around, she suffers from low self-esteem.
Nicole Wilson – Another of Alex and Ray's friends. An opposite personality to Robyn, has a take-charge attitude and strong-willed demeanor.
Danielle Atron – The owner/CEO of the Paradise Valley Chemical Plant who is the main antagonist of the series. She wants to market GC-161 as a radical new weight-loss drug, and has made it her mission to find the GC-161 child and capture her, as both a test subject and a threat to the secrecy of her plans.
Vincent "Vince" Carter – The maniacal head of security at the Paradise Valley Chemical Plant, he makes it his obsession to find the GC-161 child.
Lars Frederickson – A skilled chemist hailing from the Paradise Valley Chemical Plant's foreign branch in Vienna. He becomes Danielle Atron's chief subordinate after Vince gets fired. He is named after one of the members of punk rock group Rancid.
Hunter Reeves – Hunter comes to Paradise Valley with an agenda concerning the disappearance of his father in relation to GC-161.
Filming locations
The series was filmed in Valencia, California and the Santa Clarita Valley. The Mack home and Paradise Valley Chemical Plant interiors were filmed in a converted warehouse used as a soundstage. The junior high scenes were filmed at Charles Helmers and James Foster Elementary Schools. Castaic Middle School was used for senior high scenes. The house, used for exterior shots, is located in the Westford Place neighborhood of Valencia.
The show's first season was released by Genius Entertainment on DVD format on October 2, 2007. The set is noteworthy for giving Jessica Alba top billing on the package, most likely in an effort to sell more copies, even though she actually only appears in a supporting role, and only in a few episodes. This was then released in Region 2 on April 2, 2012 and in Region 4 on June 6, 2012. The first and second seasons are available through's Instant Video section and through iTunes. Episodes of the series have been seen on a sporadic basis on TeenNick's 1990s-oriented block, The '90s Are All That. Mill Creek Entertainment released the complete series on DVD for the very first time on August 1, 2017.
Book series
A book series aimed at young readers was released along with the series. The first and last books of the series were novelizations of the first and last episodes, respectively. The rest of the series consisted of completely original stories, tied into the main series through the mentioning of various plot points from the TV episodes.