The Real Housewives of Vancouver was a Canadian reality television series on the Slicecable network. It was the first Canadian installment of The Real Housewives franchise; production for the Shaw Media-distributed series began in August 2011. The show ended in 2013 and was canceled after its second season. The series originally focused on Jody Claman, Christina Kiesel, Reiko MacKenzie, Ronnie Negus, and Mary Zilba; the second season lineup consisted of Claman, Negus, Zilba, Amanda Hansen, Robin Reichman and Ioulia Reynolds. Of the original housewives, Kiesel and MacKenzie left after the first season. Its success has allowed for the development of The Real Housewives franchise by Corus Entertainment, previously Shaw Media, and similar spin-off series based in Toronto.
Overview and casting
The show premiered on April 4, 2012. The two-hour premiere achieved the record of the highest-rated premiere in the network's history by attracting 1.2 million viewers. On May 30, 2012, Slice announced that the series was renewed for a second season. Production for season two began in July 2012 with Jody Claman, Ronnie Seterdahl Negus, and Mary Zilba returning with new cast members, Amanda Hansen, Ioulia Reynolds, and Robin Richmond Reichman. The second season premiered on February 5, 2013. Slice chose to pass on a reunion for the second season in order to provide more episodes rather than having to cut the season even shorter. It was announced on June 6, 2013, that Slice had put the series "on hold" while it explored other programming. On June 27, 2014, Jody Claman stated she was no longer a celebrity during her divorce trial. While the show has not been on air since 2013, Slice have not confirmed nor denied that it has been cancelled. In 2016, former cast members were contacted for a "Where Are They Now?" segment that Slice holds on their main site.
Timeline of housewives
International broadcast
The series has received rather critical and commercial success outside Canada. The series along with the United States installments have aired on Australian cable network Arena, which is home to its own installments, The Real Housewives of Melbourne and Sydney. In the United Kingdom, the British cable network ITVBe has also aired the series. It has never officially aired in the United States, but episodes were briefly available to watch online on Hulu.