The Populars of Italy Tomorrow

The Populars of Italy Tomorrow was a Christian-democratic political party in Italy whose power base is in Sicily. It's currently affiliated to Forza Italia.
PID was launched on 28 September 2010 by five splinter deputies of the Union of the Centre led by Francesco Saverio Romano, UdC leader in Sicily. They dissented with the party's support to Raffaele Lombardo's fourth regional government and chose to vote in favour of Silvio Berlusconi in a vote of confidence on 29 September in the Chamber of Deputies.
It was a damaging split for the UDC in Sicily, the party's historical stronghold, as 7 regional deputies out of 10 chose to follow Romano and they were joined also by a splinter from the Movement for the Autonomies, Lombardo's party. With 8 deputies, PID are the fifth largest party in the Regional Assembly. Behind the scenes, the party was supported by Salvatore Cuffaro, senator and former President of Sicily, who was forced to leave politics in January 2011 due to a 7-year conviction for mafia-related crimes.
On 20 October 2010, in the Chamber of Deputies, PID formed a joint group with We the South led by Luciano Sardelli. On 20 January 2011 PID was a founding component of Responsible Initiative, a centre-right group in the Chamber, but Calogero Mannino refused to join it.
In March Mannino finally left the party to start his own, which will be called Popular Initiative, while Romano was appointed minister of Agriculture in Berlusconi IV Cabinet.
In 2012 the PID formed Popular Construction along with Popular Action, the Christian Movement of Workers and the Extended Christian Pact. The new party ran in the Sicilian regional election of 2012, winning 5.9% of the votes and 4 regional deputies.
In 2013 PID–Popular Construction became an associate party of Forza Italia.
