The Painted House is a 2015 Indian Malayalam drama film directed by brothers Santosh Babusenan and Satish Babusenan. This is their feature debut. The Brothers Babusenan were formerly cinematographers and producers in Mumbai, working for MTV, Channel V, STAR and others. In 1998, they made a short film Twilight Dream which was selected to the Split Film Festival in Croatia and the Mumbai International Film Festival. The Painted House was made after a gap of seventeen years. This film was mainly made in Malayalam and English-language but it has official dubbed versions in Hindi and Tamil as Rangeen Ghar and Vaanam Poosiya Veedu respectively.
The Painted House is a story about Insight and about how Insight can transform one's life. Gautam is a lonely writer in the autumn of his life. With his handsome face and kindly nature, he is a ‘good man’. While at work on the book, Gautam has a heart attack and collapses. The doorbell rings and Vishaya, a beautiful and seductive young woman appears. She asks if she can stay the night and Gautam lets her. Their mutual attraction disarms and excites him. The next day a young man, Rahul, turns up seeking help. He repeatedly invites Gautam to visit him and finally, forcibly whisks him off to the sprawling deserted house on a hill. He slaps, kicks and verbally humiliates the old writer. Rahul threatens to kill Gautam if he tries to escape. Later Vishaya arrives in the house and tells Gautam that she is Rahul's partner in kidnapping him. They never tell him the reason for kidnapping him. Vishaya tells Gautam that it all probably is a story or a dream. Physical and verbal abuse of Gautam continues after his unsuccessful attempt to escape. The old writer now fights back for his freedom as his soul searching nightmare begins. One where he is forced to confront every belief he has held about himself. Once Gautam tries to get physical with Vishaya but Rahul arrives and beats him up. Later Rahul asks Gautam if he hated him. Gautam denies. Rahul tells Gautam to curse him and leave the house. Gautam says he wouldn't take the freedom at the price of filling his own heart with hatred towards Rahul. One night Gautam tries to hit Rahul with a metal rod while Rahul is asleep. Suddenly Vishaya arrives and screams. Gautam looks at her and freezes. When he sees in front, he finds Rahul and his cot have vanished. Vishaya too has vanished. Gautam experiences a heart attack and falls.
The film has no songs. It makes sparse use of background score too, which makes an appearance only at the end of the film. The background score of the film was composed by K. Santhosh.
Banned in India
The Painted House has not been given a CBFC certificate. It contains three scenes where the female lead is shown in the nude. The Central Board of Film Certification demanded that the three scenes should be deleted. But the directors refused to make any alterations or deletions to the film. As a result, the film is banned in India.
In 2015 the has invited the film to be screened there. It has also been selected to be In Competition at the .