The Othersiders
The Othersiders is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on June 17, 2009 on Cartoon Network. The program follows a group of five teenagers who are interested in the paranormal and explore reportedly haunted sites to discover any paranormal activity. Aimed for a teen audience, it had a similar concept as Ghost Hunters. On June 2009, the series was a part of Cartoon Network's CN Real programming block. The second season of The Othersiders premiered on October 7, 2009.Team members
- Jackie Zhao, researcher- the one who gets info on where they go
- KC Costonis, case manager- the person who decides the place they go to
- Riley Litman, lead investigator- the one who supplies the staff
- Sam Hirsch, group webmaster- posts the videos and info they learned from them going to the place
- Zack Burke, tech manager- supplies the staff with the technology