The Movie Star

"The Movie Star" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, Smash. The episode aired on April 16, 2012.


Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen and the newly rehired Ivy. Derek continues fantasizing about Karen as Marilyn. Eventually, when Duvall shows awareness of her weaknesses and a willingness to work on them, it becomes smoother for Eileen, Derek, Tom, and Julia to work with her.
Dev continues to not tell Karen about losing the press secretary gig, so Karen finds out from the guy who did get the press secretary job. Karen and Dev continue to drift further away from each other, while Dev gets closer to R.J.. Karen and Ivy bond over a shared rivalry with Duvall. Tom and Sam go out on a date, and Sam insists they take things slow. Eileen gets scared of getting close to Nick, and Nick soothes her fears. Leo has trouble with his grades at school, and Frank and Julia must find a way to put aside their issues and help Leo out of his rough patch.


There were three featured songs in the episode, two originals and one cover. For the originals, in-house songwriters Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman wrote "Dig Deep" and the reprised "Let Me Be Your Star".
"Dig Deep" with Thurman's vocals, was released as a single on iTunes and's MP3 store, though the single is currently not available. "Our Day Will Come" is currently available on the deluxe edition of the cast album The Music of Smash. "Let Me Be Your Star" was previously released as a single and is currently available on the cast albums The Music of Smash and Bombshell.

Critical reception