The Missing People

The Missing People is a 1940 British, black-and-white, mystery film directed by Jack Raymond and starring Ronald Shiner as Sam Hackett and Will Fyffe as Mr. J. G. Reeder. It was produced by Jack Raymond Productions. Ronald Shiner, Will Fyffe and Jack Raymond were also all involved in another Mr. Reeder film, The Mind of Mr. Reeder. The film is based on a novel by Edgar Wallace.


Mr. Reeder begins solving the disappearance of 27 people, after they had each received large sums of money from their respective families. Is the criminal-featured Joseph Bronstone, the guilty party?


TV Guide wrote, "Fyffe adds a great deal of charm to his role as he pieces the puzzle together in a manner baffling to the younger detectives. Otherwise, the plot is unbelievable but makes for some light-hearted fun."