The Midnight Express (film)

The Midnight Express is a silent romantic film directed by George W. Hill.


Jack is a young man who has a wild lifestyle. This displeases his father. Jack wants to prove to him he can be a hardworking man as well and decides to find work at a railroad yard as a laborer. Silent Bill Brachley is a convict who has escaped jail and steals Jack's car. Jack chases him and eventually meets Mary. Brachley is led back to jail and swears revenge. He escapes jail yet again and confronts Jack. After Jack wins the fight, he receives the respect from his father and has Mary as his sweetheart.


After femme fatale Peggy Hopkins Joyce viewed the film, she recalled the kiss between Haines and Hammerstein as the best she'd ever seen on screen. The studio tried to present Hammerstein and Haines as a real-life couple. This was without success, as Haines was homosexual.
