The Man Who Surprised Everyone

The Man Who Surprised Everyone is a Russian film-drama directed by Aleksey Chupov and Natasha Merkulova, shot according to their own script in 2018. Member for the Horizons section of the 75th Venice International Film Festival. It was selected as the Russia entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 76th Golden Globe Awards.


Siberian huntsman Yegor is an exemplary family man and a man respected in his village. He and his wife Natalya are waiting for their second child. Suddenly, Yegor learns that he is incurably sick, and that he has only two months left to live. Neither traditional medicine nor shamanic sorcery help the fight against the disease, and in the end Yegor decides to take a desperate step by trying to completely change his personality in order to deceive approaching death, as did the legendary drake Zhamba, the hero of the ancient Siberian epos.
