The Man Behind the Mask
The Man Behind the Mask is a 1936 British mystery film directed by Michael Powell and starring Hugh Williams, Jane Baxter, Ronald Ward, Maurice Schwartz, George Merritt, Henry Oscar and Peter Gawthorne. A man assaults and switches places with another at a masked ball, and then attempts a major theft - casting suspicion on the original man.
The Man Behind the Mask was produced by Joe Rock, for Joe Rock Productions. It was made at one of the Elstree Studios.
The Man Behind the Mask was missing from the BFI National Archive, and was one of three Powell films included on the British Film Institute's "75 Most Wanted" list of lost films. It is the last of Powell's "quota quickies".
A print of the American release, titled Behind the Mask, has been found, but it is a cut version of the original UK film.Cast