The Lost (2006 film)

The Lost is a 2006 American psychological horror film that was written and directed by Chris Sivertson based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name, which in turn was inspired by the true story of serial killer Charles Schmid. It was produced by Lucky McKee. The film stars Marc Senter as charismatic teen sociopath Ray Pye. Senter won best actor awards from both Screamfest and Fantaspoa film festivals. He was also nominated for a Fangoria Chainsaw Award. Supporting cast include Shay Astar, Alex Frost, Michael Bowen, and Robin Sydney. The movie had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival with a limited theatrical release following shortly after.


19-year-old Ray Pye decides to murder two young women. His friends, Jen and Tim, witness the murder and help him cover it up.
Four years later, Ray has never been arrested for the crime. Detective Charlie Schilling and his ex-partner, Ed Anderson, know that Ray did it but they could not prove it. Charlie figures it is about time they did something about it. Meanwhile, Ray has met his match in Katherine Wallace, a new girl in town. She and Ray are a potentially explosive combination. Throw in the fact that Ed is having a summer fling with Sally Richmond - a girl young enough to be his daughter. And Sally has just gotten a job at the motel that Ray manages. Ray has his eye on her.
Charlie and Ed never found the gun that Ray used to murder the women at the campground. That rifle, as well as a handgun, are hidden behind the mirror in Ray's bathroom. Ray can only be pushed so far. The time will come when he takes the mirror off the wall and shows everyone who is in charge.
