The Last Man on Earth (2011 film)

The Last Man on Earth is a 2011 Italian science fiction drama film directed by Gian Alfonso Pacinotti. Its original Italian title is L'ultimo terrestre, which means "The last earthling". The story follows a man with relational problems while aliens visit Earth. The film premiered in competition at the 68th Venice International Film Festival.


Fandango produced the film in collaboration with Rai Cinema and the Toscana Film Commission. The production involved a budget of 2.3 million euro. Filming took place in Tuscany during five weeks.


To market the film, a viral video was released on the Internet where the real RAI newsreader Maria Cuffaro announces that extraterrestrials have arrived on Earth. The film premiered on 8 September 2011 in competition at the 68th Venice International Film Festival. Italian distribution is handled by Fandango, and the regular release is set to 9 September.
The film has been released on DVD and Blu-ray in Italy on 17 January 2012.