The Irregulars

The Irregulars is an upcoming British-American crime drama web television series produced and distributed by Netflix. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it features the Baker Street Irregulars working for Dr Watson saving London from supernatural elements.


Writer Tom Bidwell has described the program as "my dream project and my oldest idea" and it takes a different view of Holmes and his relationship to the Irregulars.
The program was announced be filmed in the UK, with Endeavour’s Johnny Kenton as lead director. In early December 2019, there were reports that filming had taken place in Nantwich at Dorfold Hall. Filming took place in Liverpool in late 2019 and early 2020, making use of several locations in the city including St George's Plateau, the palm house in Sefton Park and Falkner Street in the Georgian Quarter. Filming was temporarily disrupted in January 2020 when a cast member was injured on set on Liverpool's Ormond Street. Production then went to North Wales in March.