The Green Hope

The Green Hope is a 2000 Hong Kong television drama produced by TVB under producer Tsang Kan-cheong and starring Bowie Lam, Stephen Fung, Yoyo Mung, Joey Yung, Melissa Ng and Cathy Tsui.


In a cold Christmas in 1996, the workaholic Fong Kin-choi has been sick in bed. His dying wish is to find his youngest son Ka-him, who lived with his mother due to the divorce 12 years ago. After 12 years, Kin-choi's olderst son, Ka-fai, found out that his younger brother suffers from mental illness due to their mother, Wong Yuen-fan being drug abuser and forcing Ka-him to do illegal things since young age.
After his father died, Ka-fai took Ka-him in and helped him get back on his track as living as a normal person. Ka-fai notices his brother is a gifted musician, but his talent is hidden for years. With the help of Ka-fai, Ka-him's talent shows off and become famous pianist, recognized by other people. It proves that although he's a minor mentally ill patient, he can still live a normal life and being successful just like others.
Throughout the show, Ka-him's struggle to success was littered with failures and discrimination by others due to his disability. Towards the end of the show, Ka-him's effort was eventually recognised. The show carries an inspiring underlying message that people with disabilities can succeed, and disability discrimination only contributes negatively to their struggle.
