The Geena Davis Show

The Geena Davis Show is an American sitcom television series created by Terri Minsky starring Geena Davis. The show aired for one season on ABC from October 10, 2000 to July 20, 2001, during the 2000–01 U.S. television season.


Sexy and sophisticated Manhattan party-planner Teddie Cochran starts dating writer Max Ryan. The two hit it off, and Teddie soon moves into Max's suburban home along with his two children, six-year-old Eliza and 13-year-old Carter. Motherless for some time, the two are not exactly welcoming of Teddie. Along with her two girlfriends Hilary and Judy, Teddie must use her unique blend of wits and sarcasm to get through her new lifestyle.



first pitched the idea of a Sex and the City-like character becoming a suburban housewife to ABC in early 2000. After some debating, ABC decided to make the show less like Sex and the City and more tailored to its star, Geena Davis. The show was filmed in Los Angeles and premiered on ABC on Tuesday, October 10, 2000, at 9.30pm. The show lasted less than a season before being replaced by the Joan Cusack sitcom What About Joan?.
Davis appeared on the cover of TV Guide's 2000 Fall Preview issue, along with three other actors starring in new sitcoms: Bette Midler, Michael Richards and John Goodman. Despite the magazine declaring them a "fab foursome", all four series bombed, with Davis' show actually airing the most episodes, compared to Bette, The Michael Richards Show and Goodman's Normal, Ohio.


Every episode of the series was directed by Andy Cadiff, except for the unaired episode, "The Wedding", which was directed by Mark Cendrowski.

International broadcast

The Geena Davis Show was screened in the United Kingdom on the now defunct channel ABC1, from the channel's beginning in 2004 until its closure in 2007. The entire series, including the episode unaired in the United States, was broadcast on the channel.