The Ferrers School

The Ferrers School is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form with academy status, located in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, England, UK.
The school was founded in 1980. It previously held specialist status as an Arts College, and changed its name to The Ferrers Specialist Arts College for a time. After converting to academy status in September 2013 the school changed its name to The Ferrers School.
The headteacher is Mrs Angela Smith. There were approximately 930 students in Years 7 to 11 on roll in the 2011-2012 academic year, plus around 160 students in the sixth form, which is shared with two other local schools. There are 77 teachers and 54 support staff.

Key Stage 2 Partners

The school admits its Year 7 pupils from Higham Ferrers Junior School and Henry Chichele Primary School, as well as numerous primary schools in surrounding villages, and from Rushden.

Sixth form provision

The school does not produce enough sixth form students to make an independent sixth form viable, and so it is part of the East Northamptonshire College with two other local schools, as well as Prince William School in Oundle.


In an Ofsted report in 2015, the school was deemed to be providing a "Good" quality of education in all main areas. In the same year the school achieved results of 46% of students gaining at least 5 GCSEs at C grade or above including English and Mathematics.
The percentage of students achieving 5+ GCSEs, including maths and English, were as follows: