The Farmer (film)
The Farmer is a 1977 American crime action film directed by David Berlatsky and starring Lewell Akins, Gary Conway, Michael Dante, Dave Graig, Stratton Leopold, Ray McIver, and George Memmoli. The film was released by Columbia Pictures on March 9, 1977.Plot
- Lewell Akins as Conductor
- Gary Conway as Kyle Martin
- Michael Dante as Johnny O.
- Dave Graig as 2nd Soldier
- Stratton Leopold as Laundry Sam
- Ray McIver as Train Bartender
- George Memmoli as Passini
- Bill Moses as Bank Representative
- Judge Parker as Banjo Player
- Don Payne as Mr. Moore
- Louis C. Pessolano as Bartender
- Johnny Popwell as Conners
- Ken Renard as Gumshoe
- Timothy Scott as Weasel
- Sonny Shroyer as Corrigan
- Wayne Stewart as Sergeant
- Roy Tatum as Soldier
- Angel Tompkins as Betty
- Jack Waltzer as Doc Valentine
- Eric Weston as Lopie
- Laura Whyte as Waitress