The Family (miniseries)

The Family is an American documentary web television miniseries that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series examines a conservative Christian group—known as the Family or the Fellowship—its history, and investigates its influence on American politics.
The series was executive produced by Jeff Sharlet, who previously wrote books about the same organization, including C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy and .



Critics have generally praised the series. For Decider, Joel Keller described it as having "a lot of potential to fascinate". Joel Mayward of Cinemayard described the series as "chilling" but also wrote that it felt "muddled and redundant". Vultures Jen Chaney noted that the series focused predominantly on the Fellowship's influence on conservatives, and excluded Democratic involvement.


The Family was released on August 9, 2019 on Netflix.