The Enemy Within (1994 film)
The Enemy Within is a 1994 HBO TV-movie remake of the 1964 film Seven Days in May, starring Forest Whitaker, Jason Robards, Jr., Dana Delaney and Sam Waterston, and directed by Jonathan Darby. The film involves a planned military coup to overthrow the President of the United States.Plot summary
Marine Colonel MacKenzie "Mac" Casey discovers an apparent plan by General R. Pendleton Lloyd and Secretary of Defense Charles Potter to remove President William Foster from office and replace him with Vice President Walter Kelly, who they feel would be more willing to do their bidding. Casey and Foster desperately seek evidence before the coup occurs. They encounter a setback when Attorney General Arthur Daniels is murdered. The coup attempt is foiled with the aid of President Foster's Chief of Staff Betsy Corcoran and some well-placed Russian friends.Cast