The Descendants (2015 film)

The Descendants is a 2015 Iranian drama telefilm directed by Yaser Talebi and produced by Mitra Roohimanesh. The plot concerns an Iranian Jewish man Jacob, played by Hasan Rostamani, who travels to Sweden to look for his son.


The film was awarded Best Foreign Film Award at the Royal Star Film Festival in Detroit, and best film award at Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards in Taiwan. Other awards include: Best Feature Award and Best Director at 6th Urban international film festival, in Iran 2017, Best Feature Award at Longleaf Film Festival North Carolina Museum of History, 2017. Best Feature Film at the Pembroke Taparelli Arts and Film Festival Narrative Features International competition, U.S.A. 2016 Best Feature Film at Accolade Global Film Competition Award 2016. Best Board of Director Feature Film at North Carolina Film Award Fall, U.S.A, 2015, and Best Feature Film at The JP2 Inter-Faith Film Festival's Reel Rose Awards, U.S.A, 2015.