The Dark-Hunter, Dream-Hunter, Were-Hunter and Hellchaser Universe

The Dark Hunter Universe is the world in which multiple interlocking series come together to create one massive epic tale. Each series is marked by the type of creatures the novels are about.
The Dark-Hunter, Lords Of Avalon, Were-Hunter, Dream-Hunter, Hellchaser, and Chronicles Of Nick series all happen within the same universe and their stories connect.
A single book can include elements from multiple parts of each sect of this vast world.
They are written by #1 New York Times Best Selling author Sherrilyn Kenyon. Some are written under her penname: Kinley MacGregor.
The Dark-Hunters are immortal warriors who sell their souls to the Greek goddess Artemis for an Act of Vengeance against the one who murdered them. Once they've had their revenge, they are dedicated to defending mankind against Daimons and other preternatural enemies.
The Were-Hunters are shape-shifters consisting of the Katagaria and the Arcadians. The Katagaria have animal hearts and are animals who can turn into humans. Arcadians are humans who are capable to turning into animals. Both have the ability to time-travel.
The Dream-Hunters are Greek gods consisting of the Oneroi and the Skoti. The Oneroi were cursed by Zeus to have no emotions after they played a prank on him. The Skoti are the Oneroi who have succumbed to the emotions they siphon off dreamers and who have become addicted to them. The Oneroi police their activity for fear of Zeus punishing them again and purging their ranks, as he did before.
Hellchasers are charged with policing the demons who roam the earth and protecting humanity, and others from them.

Reading Order

  1. Dark-Hunters
  2. "Dragonswan"
  3. Night Pleasures
  4. Night Embrace
  5. "Phantom Lover"
  6. Dance with the Devil
  7. "A Dark-Hunter Christmas"
  8. Kiss of the Night
  9. Sword of Darkness,
  10. Knight of Darkness,
  11. Night Play
  12. Seize the Night
  13. Sins of the Night
  14. "Winter Born"
  15. "Second Chances"
  16. Unleash the Night
  17. Dark Side of the Moon
  18. "A Hard Day's Night Searcher"
  19. "Until Death We Do Part"
  20. "Fear the Darkness"
  21. The Dream-Hunter
  22. Devil May Cry
  23. Upon The Midnight Clear
  24. Dream Chaser
  25. Acheron
  26. "Where Angels Fear To Tread"
  27. "Shadow of the Moon"
  28. One Silent Night
  29. Dream Warrior
  30. Bad Moon Rising
  31. No Mercy
  32. Retribution
  33. The Guardian
  34. Time Untime
  35. "House of the Rising Son"
  36. Styxx
  37. Son of No One
  38. Dragonbane
  39. Dragonmark
  40. Dragonsworn
  41. Stygian

    Chronicles of Nick

The Dark-Hunter universe also includes a Young-Adult spin-off/prequel series, The Chronicles of Nick, featuring a character named Nicholas Ambrosius Gautier who appears throughout the Dark-Hunter Series.
  1. Infinity
  2. Invincible
  3. Infamous
  4. Inferno
  5. Illusion
  6. Instinct
  7. Invision
  8. Intensity

    Shadows of Fire

Shadows of Fire is a four book continuation of The Chronicles of Nick series.
  1. Heart of Venom
  2. Will of Iron
  3. Fist of Fire
  4. Eye of Stone